Benefits of Using TMS

oleh | 5 Nov 2021 | Solusi

There are many benefits of Transportation Management System (TMS) that manufacturers, distribution companies, and anyone who ships freight may experience. They often go way beyond just the cost of shipping freight. If you can look at your freight and transportation department as more than just a cost, then you are thinking in the right direction on how to holistically help your business leverage a TMS for the maximum ROI.

TMS helps companies move freight from origin to destination efficiently, reliably, and cost-effectively. The system can help managers and supervisors make freight-related decisions and monitor their vehicles better. It encompasses solutions for moving freight in all modes and also includes intermodal movements, domestically and internationally.

The benefits TMS can offer may include:

Warehouse efficiency

Companies decrease time on freight management and end up having more time working on other projects and warehouse duties. By integrating the system with your ERP, you can save even more time and minimize errors.

Next level customer service

With TMS, you can have the confidence to deliver goods on time. You can also provide live tracking for your customers and give them the information they need to know fast and easy. You can also give customers options of carriers they can choose from given the estimated time of arrival.

Better cash flow

Many companies use TMS for this benefit. You can estimate and reduce cost ahead and you can avoid unnecessary spending by having more controls of the routes and knowing all the expenditures of every vehicle. The system also protects the companies from vehicle theft.

There are still many other benefits that come with using TMS depending on your field of business and objections. It is time to use technology and work smarter.

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